
Any of a variety of kayak lessons including certified course and introductory or intermediate clinics.


These are short clinics (usually 4 to 5 hours) that introduce the novice to paddling a kayak in a safe, fun, and comfortable environment. They are suitable for those who just want to give kayaking a try and have some fun. There are no prerequisites for taking the course (no experience or skill is needed!). Like all of our courses, there is an emphasis on safe paddling. Unlike our Paddle Canada courses, no certification is awarded. 

PC 40th Anniv LogoThese courses follow the Paddle Canada nationally certified program. Offering highly regarded comprehensive courses in sea kayaking, they are great for those that want to delve into the fun activity of kayaking. Coldspring Paddling currently offers two types of PC 'skills' courses, the Basic Kayak Skills and Level 1 Kayak Skills (L1). The 8-hour Basic course is great for those that have never kayaked before and want to learn to do it safely and efficiently. The 16-hour L1 course is the next step up and is suitable for those that have already taken the Basic course, or those that have some paddling experience (including practicing rescues/recoveries) and want to learn to do things safely and correctly. It's also a logical next step for those that have taken the IK course and are looking to progress their skills. 

Overview of Paddle Canada Skills Courses

  • Basic Kayak: (8 hrs). Introduces the novice to paddling in enclosed sheltered waters and calm conditions. Skills covered include a controlled wet exit, forward & turning strokes, assisted re-entry.
  • Level-1: Day paddling skills in sheltered waters (16 hrs). Provides the theory and skills for a daylong sea kayaking trip in sheltered waters and light winds. Includes: controlled wet exit, efficient forward & turning strokes, edging, introduction to bracing, unassisted re-entry, and Eskimo rescue.
  • Level-2: Overnight touring and intermediate boat handling (4 days). Provides the theory and skills for proficient kayaking at sea in moderate open sea conditions, including overnight camping. Includes: touring, risk assessment, efficient bracing, sculling for support, combined strokes, sustained paddling, introduction to rolling, kayak tripping with overnight camping, moderate winds and sea conditions.
  • Level-3: Seamanship and leadership in multi-day touring (4 days ). Provides the opportunity to develop leadership, risk-assessment, decision-making, judgment, group management, and general seamanship in the context of a multi-day journey.
  • Level-4: Extended touring along an exposed coast (5 days ). Provides the theory and skills for leadership in kayaking at sea in advanced conditions, open ocean, during extended periods. Includes overnight camping, rolling at sea, strong wind, ocean swell, surf landings, and strong current.


Students that have completed a Coldspring Paddling Introductory Clinic or the Basic Kayak certified course might be ready to enter directly into the Level 1 skills course if they are feeling fairly comfortable with the skills presented in those courses. Those that have a fair bit of kayaking experience, but perhaps no formal training, may also be ready to enter at Level 1.


Paddle Canada Kayak Lesson Poster

Clinics are shorter than the full-length certified courses and are generally set to work on a particular set of skills such as bracing technique, rescue skills or refining that forward stroke. Intermediate clinics are those that if they were part of an official Paddle Canada course would qualify as being Level 1 or above and participants should have the stated prerequisites for the particular clinic. All clinics are registered through Paddle Canada. 

What our Students are Saying about Us

- Donelda Gowan-Moody, Saskatoon

"Thank you very much for the paddling instruction.
We all thoroughly enjoyed the evening.
Our son says that kayaking is AWESOME!"

What our Students are Saying about Us

"You were very informative and I would recommend your class to
anyone considering taking up kayaking."

- Marvin Doepker, Saskatoon

What our Students are Saying about Us

"I wanted to stop and tell you that you are among
the best instructors I've ever had."
- Pool Student


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Simply put, I love paddling. And I love to share that passion with others.

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